Summertime Maine, Days 01-02

Summertime Maine, Day 01-02 The Workshop Begins We are in a part of Maine that has little Internet connection. Many towns were settled in the early-ish 1700s and were built-up communities long before planned communities and condos were ever invented. Many houses face the sea, rivers, or inlets, since ships were the main mode of […]

Summertime Maine, Day 00

Back in Maine I feel good … I feel fine … Arnie and I are back in Maine on the coast I sailed so often as a child. This year marks the bicenquinquagenary of the town we use as our base. Bicenquinquagenary, you ask? I agree. Not only did I knot know what the celebration […]

Paris, Day 04

Fourth Day of Paris Workshop People do their imaging and have breakfast, in no particular order, but we do meet mid-morning for critiques. Arnie and I love some of the images they have made. Stunning! Critiques are thoughtful and encouraging. Participants are pleased, as are we. We want to do some gallery hopping to show […]


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