Zion Bryce 2012, Day 05

Day 05- Final Morning and Critique This was the last day of the workshop. We have had fun, and people have learned a lot. That makes Arnie and me happy. For our last shoot, we returned to our location of our first evening in Bryce. We like to return to one location at the opposite […]

Zion Bryce 2012, Day 04

Day 04 – Morning Fire and Evening Patterns We tend to photograph at locations opposite from the norm. Where people go for sunrise, we visit at sunset. For us, it makes for more interesting light. One of the iconic features of Bryce Canyon is a great hoodoo. It gets lit by the natural fill bouncing […]

Zion Bryce 2012, Day 03

Day 03 – Last Morning in Zion and First Evening in Bryce Canyon Our participants were interested in learning how to create panoramas, so we got up early and headed out to one of the good locations where the sun hits the peaks first and makes them glow. Every time we photograph here, the light […]


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