Same Place, Outer Banks Students ’12

Same Place – Different View It is always fun to review the work of our participants when I post a new gallery and do a Same Place – Different View blog, such as I have just done for the Springtime on the Outer Banks students’ gallery. The Outer Banks is known for its wild coast, […]

Summer Maine 2012, Day 05

Days 05 – Last Day – A Small Harbor & Treasures Our last day of the workshop.  This is always a little sad for us, because everyone gets to know one another in this intensive sharing of a common passion – photography.  There are friendships forged during these workshops that last far beyond.  Sure, we […]

Summer Maine 2012, Day 04

Days 04 – The Rocky Coast With a long day the day before and attendant reduced imaging time, the group opted to do more post-processing rather than go out for a morning shoot. Besides, they knew it was going to be a grisly gray morning, and a bit of extra sleep was an attractive prospect. […]


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