Summer Maine 2012, Day 03

Days 03 – A Quiet Harbor, an Old Friend, and Another Lighthouse It was another early morning. One wants to catch the light, and by the time most tourists are heading off for breakfast, the good light is long gone. One of our favorite harbors is just up the road apiece. Sometimes, there are dramatic […]

Summer Maine 2012, Day 02

Days 02 – Lobstering, the Coast, and a Lighthouse We were without Internet for a couple of days, thus the gap in the workshop blog. One of the charms, however, of this part of Maine, is that it is not commercial. There is a slower pace here. You don’t see folks walking around with cell-phone […]

Summer Maine 2012, Day 00-01

Days 00-01 – Arrival and First Workshop Day As usual, Arnie and I arrived a couple of days before the workshop began to make sure our locations had not seen some disaster.  All was well, not that we really expected anything else.  We checked in with old friends, did some photography of our own, and […]


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