Paris, City of Light 2012, Day 08

Days 08 – Final Day in Paris Paris is now past, but certainly never forgotten. With our travel schedule, my blog got behind. Our last day in Paris is always a tough one.  We love this city, one with which we fell in love long before we ever met each other.  To share it with one […]

Paris, City of Light 2012, Day 07

Days 07 – Here and There It was a lazy day. We slept in to an hour nearly unheard of for me. After breakfast, we caught up on e-mails, some imaging, and I did the previous blog. We headed off to a nearby restaurant for our favorite versions of Soup à l’Oignon et Mozzarella Di Buffala […]

Paris, City of Light 2012, Day 06

Days 06 – Montmartre et Sacré Coeur, the last day of our workshop here The last day of any workshop is always a little sad.  It is our last day for a while with old and new friends.  In this case, after imaging, two of our participants had to leave to head for home.  That left […]


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