Paris, City of Light 2012, Day 02

Day 02 – Paris, People in the Park In the last blog, we talked about Paris being about people, among other things. We greeted our workshop participants, including one from Victoria, Australia, and talked about various principles and approaches one might take to photograph people. Off to Jardin du Luxumbourg where my English granny used […]

Paris, City of Light 2012, Day 01

Day 01 – Paris, an Introduction We actually made it into Paris without undue traffic hassles,  Sure, the Periphique, that snarly route that goes around Paris, was a bit congested, but nothing compared to when we landed in Paris well over a week ago. Wonder of wonders, we even found the Honker Van rental place […]

Bourgogne 2012, Day 01-02

Days 01-02 – Bourgogne We finished up our workshop in Provence, had a final lunch prepared by Françoise, then went through our goodbyes. It is always hard to part with our friends, as indeed, many of our participants make connections that last long after the workshop has ended. We loaded up the Honker Van, and […]


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