Scottish Highlands 2012, Day 07

Day 07 – From Inverness to The Isle of Skye along the Lochs There is an old Scottish song, first written down, they say, in the early 1800s, that goes… O where and O where does your highland laddie dwell; O where and O where does your highland laddie dwell; He dwells in merry Scotland […]

Scottish Highlands 2012, Day 06

Day 06 – From Edinburgh to Inverness Arnie and I moved the cars from in front of the hotel so we wouldn’t get ticketed. Parking in Edinburgh is strange to us outsiders. No matter, after breakfast, we loaded up the cars and went on our way. This will be a short blog today, because I […]

Scottish Highlands 2012, Day 05

Day 05 – Final Pre-workshop Day and No Photographs Today was a strange day in some respects. No photographs! Actually, we were trying to get back to Edinburgh before the rush-hour traffic that would be worse before the Bank Holiday. While Scotland does not observe this holiday, people south of the border do. Scotland is […]


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