Same Place, Arches Students ’11

Same Place — Different View We are back from Costa Rica, and I actually have some time to catch up a bit. The students’ gallery for Arches & Canyonlands National Parks 2011 is published, and there were a few good examples of Same Place – Different view to share and to inspire others. One of […]

Costa Rica 2012, Day 7

I hope I’ve learned.  No, I did NOT reformat my card right away.  I made sure all was safely downloaded and backed up! Whew! But after double checking, I popped it back into my camera and did my usual formatting. On the final day of our workshop, we start off with an early-morning boat ride […]

Costa Rica 2012, Day 6

We had a lovely boat ride along the Tortuguero canals and rivers to our next hotel. We had pared our luggage way down — the rest safely stowed in our bus’ belly under the watchful eye of Paulo — as there was limited spare room on the boat. I packed in a glamorous, plastic bag […]


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