Costa Rica 2012, Day 5

Yes, yes, behind again on the not-so-daily blog. We have been traveling a bit, so time at the computer is limited. We took off in our comfy bus for the province of Limón on the Caribbean side of the country. People napped under the gentle rhythm of Paolo’s expert driving. First, however, we traversed another […]

Costa Rica 2012, Day 4

Still in the Monteverde area, we took off for the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve. It intrigued us that it was privately owned in part. What did not surprise us is that it attracts many people interested in the bird life in the forest. We saw several magnificent specimens along with quite a number of […]

Costa Rica 2012, Day 3

I “snuck” away to write this blog. Everyone is upstairs having lunch. I was happy with my peanut-butter granola bars, although a good dinner with some red wine will taste really good later. We got an early start from our hotel and took off for Monteverde and the Cloud Forest. Yes, these mountains really are […]


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