Celebrating 2011 – Part 1

It’s fun to review the year with all its travels and interesting people. We have welcomed back alumni, some of whom will be attending their seventh workshop with us, and met new participants who are now alumni themselves. During scouting time, we get to shoot for ourselves. It’s our time. While we have the pressure […]

Joshua Tree 2011 Scouting – Day 3

I am blearly eyed.  We have been trying to escape the clutches of Las Vegas for two days now and three aborted departures in just a hair over 24 hours.  I’ll write a blog on that next time, but now, I need to finish posting the blogs I wrote while we had iffy-to-no Internet service […]

Leaving Las Vegas 2011

Leaving Las Vegas? Why is this worthy of a blog? Have you ever felt you’ve been caught in some sort of weird time warp? Well, to start with, it takes us three days to escape Las Vegas, to wit the scene beyond the cage at the left. Yes, that is a cage, out of focus […]


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