Death Valley 2011 – Day 4

When Arnie and I came into Death Valley for scouting, we stopped at one of the lesser-trammelled canyons. It provided lots of variety and views, plenty of places to hike up for our mountain goats, and different textures. Arnie threw in a Machiavellian touch. This time, we had the participants, mostly alumni, take turns leading […]

Death Valley 2011 – Day 3

Our absence on this blog has not been for lack of photographing or writing, rather because Internet service in Death Valley is appropriate for the name of the valley! It has been frustrating. We don’t know if there are any emergencies at home. We can’t get e-mails and see who has signed up for workshops […]

Death Valley 2011 – Day 2

This was supposed to be a day-by-day blog, but because of the sand/dust storm, and because of the very sketchy Internet and nearly-zilch cell service in Death Valley, we were out of touch with the outside world for several days. Just pretend this blog is actually from today! Another early morning, albeit not desperately so. […]


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