Death Valley 2011 – Day 1

This will be a VERY short blog tonight, or should I say morning. We had a great day today with our alumni participants and two who are new to us and who were quickly adopted by the others. We headed out to the salt flats to look for light and patterns. They did a great […]

Death Valley 2011 Scouting – Day 5

We awoke to the sound of howling winds. Hmmm. More sand/dust storms? I looked out our window, and all appeared fine, except that down by the dunes, things were a bit hazy. Funny thing! Zabriskie Point was this morning’s destination. It is one of the popular ones, but fortunately, it was not overrun with people. […]

Death Valley 2011 Scouting – Day 4

Today was both a great day and one fraught with frustrations. My Lightroom has gone south, and we are in a part of the world where the Internet is slow. After all, we are in Death Valley! With no cell service here, there is no help at hand. I’ve done all the usual things, but […]


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