Death Valley 2011 Scouting – Day 3

I awoke early to voices next door. Photographers just like ourselves, but obviously, they had arrived only last night. Probably after dark. They didn’t realize the effects of the dust/sand storm. Clearly, there was to be no pre-dawn photography, yet doors opened and closed, cars started, only to return a short time later. More doors […]

Death Valley 2011 Scouting – Day 2

We have all heard … or seen in movies … or read in books … of the terrible sand and/or dust storms in the desert. Well, we are in one. Really! In fact, this blog was ready for publication last night, but the Internet was down, no doubt choked up by all the dust. If […]

Death Valley 2011 Scouting – Day 1

Arnie set the alarm for some alarmingly early hour, 3:30-ish. A.M., that is. Ugh! We had a 6-o’clock flight out to Houston and on to Las Vegas where we picked up our rental car and drove to death Valley. Of course, we made the obligatory stop at Costco. For one, I was starving, and Arnie […]


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