Outer Banks, Fall 2011 – Part 3

In Part Three of this series, we end up on two separate beaches on the Outer Banks. We always get to our locations really early. Arnie hates early mornings, yet he is the one who sets the meeting times. Our first-time participants invariably wonder why … until they see what happens and how quickly it […]

Outer Banks, Fall 2011 – Part 2

For this blog, we head up to the northern part of the Outer Banks. There, a lighthouse stands in the midst of the narrow strip of land between the sound and the ocean. Just because there is a lighthouse or other iconic image at a location does not mean one has to photograph it in […]

Outer Banks, Fall 2011 – Part 1

The sea has always spoken to both Arnie and me.  Having grown up sailing, I can smell the salt in the air quite a distance from the coast. Images of spray flying off the curling crest of a wave, gulls and other shore birds, lighthouses, and the unusual appeal to me. The Outer Banks of […]


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