One Shot, Sand Squall

And speaking of putting people in some of your photographs, I was reminded this past workshop when it was blowing at the shore of a day last fall, when the wind was blowing like the proverbial bat out of hell. We were down along the water’s edge, and sand was everywhere, obliterating feet prints in what seemed like a nano-second.

The sun was rising, and I looked behind me, as any photographer ought to do, and this is what

And Ida Is

As we wrote on the 20th, Arnie found her on the beach. She’d been there a spell (no smell), and while she was no longer in her full regalia, her colors were magnificent. Here is a detail of her body …

One Shot, Poised

It was the last morning of the workshop, and we headed to the seashore to photograph sunrise and whatever caught our fancy.

Our group was really experimenting and came up with some wonderful images that will be posted soon.

As I was meandering around, something caught my eye. Just a …


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