Same Place — Different View, Belize 2011-3

For the last in this Same Place — Different View series from Belize, we’ll start with two from Ben’s place at the mouth of the river on the Gulf of Honduras. Ben is always hospitable, and we were in his wife’s kitchen one or two at a time. The kettle was on the fire boiling and creating steam. Arnie used the steam as an effect, with fruits, vegetables, and sacks hanging on strings, while I used the kettle creating the steam.

Another day, we were treating to traditional Maya Mopan dancing, a courtship ritual really. The boys look shy and shuffle to the music, while the girls coyly swirl their skirts. It was this action that Arnie and I encouraged our group to capture, as did we. Arnie used a couple, while I stuck

Same Place — Different View, Belize 2011-2

Continuing with this Same Place — Different View series from Belize, at one of our lunch stops, several of our group went inside to chat with our hostess who was making corn tortillas for our lunch. No, different lady from our tortilla-instruction hostess, but the process was the same. Pat the tortillas into thin, round disks on something akin to wax paper. Flip the paper over so the uncooked tortillas drop neatly onto the comal to cook. Handle quickly and carefully to avoid burning fingers as the tortillas are turned.

Arnie and I took our turn, Arnie chose to photograph down on our hostess and the tortillas, showing one of her sons in the background. Sure enough, wider view! I got down quite low and shot across the cooking tortillas as a lead-in element. And yes, I purposely put them out of focus so your eye wouldn’t rest there but continue on to my real subject.

One day, we headed to the village of our wonderful guide, Antonio. Before we walked into the main village, Antonio set out a picnic down by the river. We walked down the steps you see in Arnie’s photograph. We were both taken by the cayuk tied up to the small dock at the bottom of the steps. Arnie used the steps as his lead-in with the boat far below. I love boats, particularly classic wooden ones, so I concentrated more on the dugout canoe, using …

Same Place — Different View, Belize 2011-1

It has been a while since I’ve done a Same Place — Different View for Arnie’s and my images.

We have both had a chance to process some of our photographs from Belize, so I thought I’d share a few “seeking your own vision” samples.

Before the group came in, Arnie and I investigated some nearby caves. Travel was by horseback, and Arnie and I took turns following our guide. We were both photographing from our saddles and came up with similar shots, yet different. Arnie gave the feeling of coming out of the dense jungle, while I wanted to accent the path through the rain forest. This is one of those cases where Arnie and I flip-flopped, he doing the narrower shot and I the wider one.

Another day, we went to a national park with a couple who came in early. It was a beautiful spot, but this time, we …


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