Savannah 2011, Day 5

It was the last day of the workshop, and everyone wanted to return to the cemetery. They had learned how not to be overwhelmed and were eager to revisit some scenes and find some new ones.

We arrived, and they knew they had to move quickly to capture the light. They scattered like petals in a windstorm.

Some came with me down to the water, as I could tell there was a lovely mist on the river and encouraged those who were interested to follow quickly. Arnie worked with others, and eventually came down to join us when he couldn’t find anyone to help.

It was glorious down there. The light was perfect, and the sun was a huge red, orb as it rose and bathed everything it touched in a super-warm glow. It didn’t last long, though, so …

Savannah 2011, Day 4

After a long Day Three, we made sure we visited a local spot for our morning shoot. The cemeteries in Savannah are magnificent, and our favorite is no exception. The gates don’t always open when one might wish, so we had to be prepared to jump out of the cars and set up quickly to catch that first light coming through the trees.

There is one allée that I particularly like, and this is where we take our group.

I couldn’t stand there and not take advantage of the light, so I did a quick grab shot. You know those … when you don’t have time to really work on the composition. In my case, it was while people were finding their positions and setting up their tripods.

No, there was not enough mist in the air to cause …

Savannah 2011, Day 3

Yes, it has been a few days, but Day Three was quite full. We left our hotel early to visit some wonderful, moody, old ruins up over the border in South Carolina. This location is marvelous in the rain, as it creates mood and mystery, so Arnie and I wished for rain … but perhaps not quite as much as we got. Extremely severe thunderstorms made it prudent to stay and enjoy our coffee and tea at the hotel longer than we had planned. Prolonged zaps of lightening overhead followed by shattering claps of thunder made going outside less than appealing.

As we finally felt safe enough to leave, we heard tales of hotel staff having normally-twenty-minute drives take an hour and a half, so we kept our fingers crossed. We had seen no warnings along the route we were taking.

Although it was still raining hard, it had abated quite a bit. The long, horizontal streaks of lightning were …


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