Savannah 2011, Day 2

Arnie and I keep harping on light. Walking around and seeing how light changes and shapes objects. I was with several in our group, pointing out the way light reflects off different things.

The sun was low enough that it made the iron fences …

Savannah 2011, Day 1

Well, everyone is here. It promises to be another great group. So far there have been lots of laughs, some good questions, and some challenges this afternoon. We went out to one of the historic streets while the sun was pretty bright.

We warned everyone, but that’s different from dealing with it in the great outdoors. We encouraged them all to look for subjects that would not have that harsh contrast between bright brights and dark shadows.

Arnie and I wandered back and forth, check in with everyone. This is not a time for us to shoot, but I did manage to get off two shots. This one was my challenge to myself to cope with the light.

The scene caught my eye, because of the gentle …

Scouting Savannah, 2011 Day 2

Sometimes, people elect to grab another day with us and join us for scouting and shooting before the workshop. Such was the case yesterday.

We piled into the car and took off for one of Arnie’s and my favorite locations, one that has always produced great images for us, including many you have seen here in these blogs.

Every year, because of the changing weather patterns, the azaleas and camelias come out at a slightly different time. Last year, a good portion of them were past prime when we arrived in Savannah.

This year, they are gorgeous. Everywhere we look, we see azaleas in hues of magenta, pink, apricot, and some white.

The delicate blossoms of the dogwoods add


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