One Shot, Long Shot

On the next-to-last morning of our workshop, we went to the fishing village we so enjoy. I had already met up with Mike who owns a lot of the property on which we photograph, and we caught up a bit. Our group scattered, eager to photograph all the textures we had promised them.

Arnie pointed down one pier, showing our group the light, and I walked down with one of our crew.

I was pointing out how the boards on the pier led the eye down to the fishing boat and showed her some possible approaches to composition. Meanwhile, I really needed …

Flying over OBX

We’ve been away for a couple of days. Yesterday, I had a choice. To blog or … to join a friend in his Piper Archer II.

Hmmm … blog … hmmm … taking an aerial tour of the Outer Banks with a friend. It was a no-brainer for Arnie and me. We had to drive home afterwards, so there wasn’t time to do both.

I’ll continue next time with a couple more One Shots from the Outer Banks, but I thought I’d take you on an informal tour of where we go from the air.

The low-wing Piper has plastic windows that don’t open. Not quite like shooting out of a Bell helicopter, but it was a blast, and …

One Shot, Lines

No one has yet answered yesterday’s challenge. The thing is still awaiting identification. Any other guesses out there? Give it a shot, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Yesterday, we started out at our favorite fishing village on the Outer Banks. This always presents so many possibilities, and our participants were not disappointed. In fact, I know of two who are headed back there after the workshop ends.

I love simple compositions. One could say minimalist. Just a few …


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