Same Place — Different View, Spain ’10, Festival

We heard that there was going to be a festival in Ronda. Really, more of a religious procession.

We were never able to get a good explanation, but apparently, this is a yearly event. All the eligible children, probably 12 or 13 years old, get dressed up for their first communion. They parade through the streets of the city, giggling and laughing and trying to pretend they are all grown up.

The girls wear long, white dresses; the boys look unusually pristine in their white or dark suits, hair tamed for the grand occasion. The Mayor leads the crowds and makes speeches at various corners and plazas. Parents proudly …

Same Place — Different View, Spain ’10, Playhouse

Today, we’ll look at a simple subject, the colorful playhouse next to the beautiful inn where we stay outside Ronda in southern Spain’s Andalucia.

Arnie and I were both attracted to the scene, but we each treated it in a different way. Both of us photographed it a number of times during our stay.

When we first found it, it was in shadow, but the color still set it off against the background. True to form, Arnie did the whole building, showing its topsy-turvy cant against the subdued backdrop of mountains in the distance.

I loved the little door and gingerbread under the eaves, so I concentrated on that with the wheat fields drifting off into …

Same Place — Different View, Spain ’10, Ridgeline

Unless I’m experiencing a total brain fade, I’m caught up with all the participant Same Place — Different View comparisons. They are fun to do, and from the comments we get, the participants get a kick out of them and seeing once again the work of their fellow students.

I thought I’d return to some images Arnie and I have made over the past year and do some more Same Place — Different View blogs with a few of our photographs in each blog.

Spain is a visual feast. It offers so much, from Barcelona and the northeast coast … to the lush Pyrenees … to the plains (The rain in Spain …) and beyond…


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