Continuing on with some of our photographs from our workshop amongst the Mayan people in southern Belize through Same Place — Different View, it is always fun to review images and compare and contrast what Arnie and I have each done. Those of you who follow these blogs know that sometimes our approaches are completely different, and at other times, remarkably similar.
We were returning from one of our excursions, and as we neared the turn-off to the Lodge, we saw one of the chefs gathering material for a new roof. This is always a communal affair, as thatched roofs need to be replaced every five years, give or take.
There were a couple of people helping, but we were all struck by the strength it took to haul out bundles of fronds.
True to form, Arnie took the wider, journalistic view, giving a sense of the thick, inpenetrable snaggle of jungle. I, on the other hand, was struck by the graphics of the scene and accordingly, picked a different vantage point.