Beware of Thieves while Traveling

It has been a strange month since I last wrote. On June 12, my beloved mother died. We had been with her in hospice for her last week or so. and as is common in these situations, even in a coma, she waited until we had to head home to cram ten days of preparations […]

Memories in Photographs

It’s been a tough year for us with my mother’s health declining, both mentally and physically. She is now in hospice and calmer and more peaceful than I have seen her in a long time. It is the reason why I have missed writing some blogs this winter and spring. As she lies there, still, […]

Vision Behind Lighthouses

Vision Behind Lighthouses is the subject of this blog, what the story is/was behind the image. But before we launch into the vision behind lighthouses, a report on what weather can do and how quickly it can do it. Our last night in Virginia nearly three weeks ago, we saw some very awesome flash floods. […]


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