OK, OK, so it’s past the middle of January. I realized that I never did our annual Happy New Year blog. On the other hand, I love the approach of the Italians and the French. Antonia, one of our Italian friends and owner of a local restaurant, greeted us earlier this week with, “Buon Anno. […]
Celebrating 2012, Part 2
… And Preparing for Our Upcoming Exhibit … Since the last blog, we have been busy preparing our photographs for the upcoming exhibit in Durham. Anyone who has ever done his/her own framing knows it is an involved process, with careful attention paid throughout all, so the prints don’t get creased or damaged in any […]
Celebrating 2012, Part 1
Where Does the Time Go? It has been a terrific year. Not only have we welcomed back many friends, but we have made a new crop of friends who joined us for the first time this year. Arnie and I thank you all for joining us. Our participants have made some great photographs, some of […]