Exhibition & Attendant Weekend Workshop 2013-01

Day 01 – An Exhibition and a Weekend Workshop People have been asking us about our upcoming exhibition, The Yin & Yang of the Outer Banks coming up in January at Through This Lens in Durham, NC. It will represent two sides of the Outer Banks and is a social commentary on what happens in […]

Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 05

Day 05 – Our favorite North Carolina Fishing Village There is a working, fishing village near us on the Outer Banks that we love to visit. It has changed over the years from a combination of working fishing community with an environmentally disastrous ship graveyard, to a more environmentaly friendly area. I do miss the […]

Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 04

Day 04 – Sunrise, but No Dunes We actually got to plan for a sunrise this morning. The pier at which we usually go was damaged in the storm, so we could neither park there nor have our traditional breakfast there after the shoot. However, the beach access just down the road was open, so […]


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