Outer Banks Lighthouses 2012, Day 00

Day 00 – Hurricane Sandy Comes Calling There is only so much time each day to do what we must. I love doing the blogs from our workshops, but in the interest of taking less of my time (and yours), I am going to make them shorter and perhaps more frequent. Time will tell. We […]

BCPA Awards, News, and … 2012

Arnie and I feel lucky.  We have been photographers a long time, and those of you who know us know we have enough gray hairs to prove it!  Photography really is our life and our passion, and we love imparting our enthusiasm for it, our knowledge of it, and our experience in the field to […]

Arches Canyonlands 2012, Day 05

Day 05- The Last Morning The last morning is always a little sad.  Friendships are made, and everyone knows that we will go from living, eating, breathing, and laughing together to a return to our normal lives.  We have shared our passion for photography, and at home, many do not have that intensive experience day […]


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