Zion Bryce 2012, Day 01

Day 01 – Up into The Narrows The first day of a workshop is always about our Principles of Photography.  It is really the one classroom session, as the other mid-day session are devoted to imaging and critiques. Once again, we have a really nice group.  Arnie and I always remark on how lucky we […]

Zion Bryce 2012, Day 00

Days 00 – Scouting and Puttering We arrived in Zion National Park in time for some scouting.  Sure, we’ve been here several times before, but we are always looking for new locations.  This time, by chance, I met the Park Superintendent.  I was outside, waiting for the administrative office to open  so I could pick […]

Same Place, Outer Banks Students ’12

Same Place – Different View It is always fun to review the work of our participants when I post a new gallery and do a Same Place – Different View blog, such as I have just done for the Springtime on the Outer Banks students’ gallery. The Outer Banks is known for its wild coast, […]


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