Virus Warning – DNSChanger Malware – 2012

Sometimes, we just need to warn our followers about something that is pretty nasty regarding computers, so this blog will be very short… It’s been all over the news. I had my head buried in catching up with reconciling statements, so I missed it until talking with a friend this evening. Arnie had heard about […]

Same Place, Costa Rica Students ’12

Same Place – Different View It has been a while since I have done a Same Place – Different View blog … too long. We have finally put up the student gallery for Costa Rica’s Treasures, so check it out.  The participants did a great job. As those of you already know who have followed […]

Homes Away from Home, Europe 2012

We photographers often travel.  Arnie and I certainly do.  With more days on the road than at home last year, we spend a lot of time in hotels.  We are blessed with wonderful house sitters that enable us to this and keep things organized at home during our absence.  Bringing in the mail, opening and […]


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