While we try to keep the information on these pages current, you should always look for newer iterations of the pages or links to reflect recent program updates. Each year, we try to update some of the images, so even if some are still outdated. the principles remain the same.Theory, Explanations, & Tutorials
- © is for Copyright (from BCPA's blog, a must-read)
- ASMP's Copyright Tutorial (from American Society of Media Photographers)
- The Photographer's Guide to Copyright (from ASMP & Photoshelter)
- Create a Copyright Template (from BCPA's blog, essential for any photographer)
- Copyright Notice Updates (from BCPA's blog, to be done every year)
- Coping with Copyright Infringement (that we hope you will never have to experience)
- Share Beware, Social Media & Metadata (while old, principles are still there)

Editing a Copyright Template