Latest Updates — January 29, 2015
For the latest list of workshops and dates, always first check the calendar page where you will see notes of workshops sold out or nearly sold out. This should be your go-to page for that information.- Family is headed to Paris, City of Light in April/May, and I have switched the workshop dates so that we are there at the same time
- The next Online Photo Workshop begins February 2, and signup have already begun . These are always very popular since no travel is involved except around your own area.
- There is a last-minute addition to the roster, Florida's Panhandle. We already have signups for this one, and it has barely gone live.
- After the horrendous floods in and around the Blue Ridge, I scrambled to find another location for the mountains workshop. BCPA will be returning to the site of one of the first such workshops, Spring in the Allegheny Mountains, an area steeped in history and photo ops.
- Bridges of Madison County has been added for September. This should also be a fun one and quit different from other offerings.
- Meanwhile, BCPA regularly makes arrangements with people to help them with business, pricing, or Lightroom and other issues through Private Consulting. I also offer Mentorships for serious photographers who want to take their art to the next level, perhaps with a project in mind. A recent Mentoree has several upcoming exhibitions of work largely produced during his mentorship.
- Since BCPA is a small company, it cannot cover costs for people who choose to not get travel insurance, especially for overseas adventures. For information and matters pertaining to COVID, check out our COVID Prep page along with links to Travel Insurance that can now, with certain plans, cover COVID, emergency evacuations, and other possible travel challenges for most people

A potpourri of images from BCPA Online Photo Workshops.
Click here for the participants' galleries.
General Updates
Many thanks to all you who find gremlins that I missed. What a welcome help that always is! After all, I am merely human; therefore, I err!In addition to the workshop updates above, new galleries for workshops are periodically being updated, both past and present, so take a look. There is even a gallery for Alumni Winning Images.
For those who neither wish nor are able to travel, BCPA has run a number of online workshops via Zoom since April 2020, both Photo and Lightroom. It has been a life-saver and a lot of fun for people who have signed up and made some really impressive images within or near their own four walls. Keep checking the calendar for updates.