Lightroom Intros, Tutorials, & Help
While we try to keep the information on these pages current, you should always look for newer editions of these to reflect recent program updates.To Get You Started

- Barefoot Contessa Photo Adventures Lightroom workshops
- Lightroom Setup (BCPA suggestions for setting up Lightroom to best serve you)
- © Is for Copyright (BCPA wants everyone to protect the copyright to their images)
- Create a Copyright Template in Lightroom and Bridge (from BCPA)
- Care and Feeding of Your Lightroom Catalog (BCPA suggestions for keeping your program in top form)
- Backup, Backup, Backup (BCPA critical approach to guarding your data and applicable to more than Lightroom)
- Lightroom Introduction (BCPA's guide to learning your way around Lightroom)
- Lightroom Classic Quick Start (from Victoria Bampton, "The Lightroom Queen," Adobe Community Professional & Certified Expert)
- Optimize Lightroom Classic Performance (Adobe's suggestions for making your Lightroom work as efficiently as possible)
- Lightroom Classic Learn & Support (from Adobe, including Lightroom mobile)
- Lightroom Video Tutorials (by Julieanne Kost, Principal Digital Imaging Evangelist for Photoshop and Lightroom)
- Lightroom Classic Quick Start (from Victoria Bampton, "The Lightroom Queen," Adobe Community Professional & Certified Expert)
- Adobe Lightroom Classic - The Missing FAQ (from Victoria Bampton, "The Lightroom Queen," clear explanations; refer to website for cloud-based program)
- Lightroom Shortcuts (from Victoria Bampton, "The Lightroom Queen,")
- Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts - Go to Help > xxx Module Shortcuts ... This goes for any module in any view.
- BCPA Tweaking Photographs in Lightroom, Part I (overview of Lightroom tweaking - Part II is being revised)
- Black-and-White Workflow (by Workshop and Mentorship Alum Ron Steficek) in Word or as a pdf.

The Lightroom Queen
Used with permission
(copyrighted image)
Other Help
- Digital Asset Management (BCPA's 4-part blog on this subject, in process of being updated)
- The Lightroom Queen's Blog (Victoria Bampton's blog on all things Lightroom, Adobe Community Professional & Certified Expert for Lightroom)
- KB covers (Mac-only keyboard covers with Lightroom or Photoshop shortcuts - other programs, too, as well as plain) production, to copyright issues and the value of photography.)
- Luminous Landscape Forum (excellent for troubleshooting Lightroom, Epson, and other problems)
- Cleaning Digital Cameras (the hows and other resources for cleaning your camera's sensor)
(fellow members can be very helpful resources)
American Society of
Media Photographers
- American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP - professional association and resource for business & copyright issues, supporters of precedent-setting court cases protecting intellectual property)
- North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA - with webinars, discounts, etc.)
- Professional Photographers of America (PPA, portrait and wedding photographers w/extensive educational program)