Private Consulting | Year-round by Appointment

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While not everyone needs all this, it is good to know that Margo will not give you false promises, but she can steer you on a path that will work for your photographic future, professional or amateur. After all, she has lectured and given numerous seminars at universities, photo and ad schools, and gatherings of designers and art buyers in the US and overseas. With all this experience, she can help you with almost any aspect of your photography, whether workflow, intellectual property issues, organization, selecting images for that next contest or juried show, or cleaning up messes in Lightroom.
Yes, messes in Lightroom! Margo cannot count the number of people who have come to her, in person, by Zoom, or by phone, to help them find "lost images" or get back on track in their organization of their photographs.
BCPA's consulting knows no bounds, but if Margo cannot help you, she will point you in a direction that will meet your needs. After all, she had some amazing mentors who helped her out when she was starting her business as well as along the way.
Meanwhile, be sure to carefully read BCPA's FAQs, as well as the various links in the box above. They should hopefully answer almost any question you might have.